Friday, June 26, 2020

Cancer Biology Racism Town Hall

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Cancer Biology will host a program-wide discussion regarding racism in science, for trainees, faculty, and staff, and how Cancer Biology can address this major challenge

The events of recent weeks have delivered yet another searing reminder that racism is still very much a part of our society, too-often with deadly consequences. These tragic events have unleashed an urgent — and long-overdue — serious discussion about police racism and violence towards individuals of color, particularly Black people. At the same time, they have led to a very healthy discussion about systemic racism in other parts of our society, including the academy and science specifically.

Dr. Lombard will make a few introductory remarks but the discussion will be led mostly by Rachael Baliira and Catherine Redmond, who both generously stepped forward to help plan and lead the session.

We will provide “open mic” time for any individual in the program who wishes to offer thoughts. In addition, we hope to foster a constructive discussion in which we (1) acknowledge systemic racism and its reach in academia, (2) acknowledge the progress that our program, and PIBS more generally, has made in promoting diversity and inclusion, (3) identify ways we can improve, such as seeking to recruit minority students, faculty, interns, and postdocs, as well hosting speakers from underrepresented minorities in science, and (4) identifying solutions that can be implemented immediately, and those that will require time and persistence.