Hong Sun Kim (Nor Lab) Presents Cancer Biology Thesis Defense
2901 THSL
Please join us for Hong Sun Kim's Defense, "Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cells and Endothelial Cell Interaction".
2901 THSL
Please join us for Hong Sun Kim's Defense, "Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cells and Endothelial Cell Interaction".
The Doctoral Program in Cancer Biology welcomes Dr. Stephen Kron, M.D., Ph.D. , Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, Ludwig Center for Metastasis Research, The University of Chicago .
The Doctoral Program in Cancer Biology welcomes Dr. Brent Stockwell, Ph.D. , Professor of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, Columbia University .
West Lecture Hall (Med Sci II)
Please join us for Aaron Koch's Thesis Defense Seminar, "Investigations into the Structure and Function of Type I Polyketide Synthases".
2903 THSL
The Doctoral Program in Cancer Biology Welcomes Andrew J. Hilmer, PhD, Senior Account Manager of Applied StemCell, Inc. He will be presenting a technology seminar "Re-Writing the Genome: CRISPR/Cas9, Targeted Integrases, and their Application to Next Generation Cell Line and Animal Models"
BSRB - ABC Seminar Rooms
Please join us for Daysha Ferrer-Torres' Thesis Defense Seminar, "Molecular Characterization of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Factors Influencing Racial Differences in Incidence".
BSRB - ABC Seminar Rooms
Please join us for Jill Boden's Thesis Defense Seminar, "The Role of NELF in Mediating Human Gene Expression".
6000 THSL
Catherine Redmond will be presenting a brief overview of her thesis project titled "Keratin 14 and the Hippo Pathway."
5330 THSL
Kristen Loesel will be presenting the paper "Circulating tumour DNA profiling reveals heterogeneity of EGFR inhibitor resistance mechanisms in lung cancer patients" by Chabon et al. (2016).
5000 THSL
April Solon will be presenting the paper "A chemical proteomics approach to reveal direct protein-protein interactions in living cells" by Kleiner et al. (2018).