Michael Cadigan Joined CMB: 2022 CMB Mentor: Nicole Koropatkin Research Interests: Structural Biology, Bacteriology, Biochemistry
Faith Carranza-Connors Joined CMB: 2022 Mentor: Scott Leiser, Ph.D. Undergraduate Institution: Millersville University
Brandon Chen Joined CMB: 2020 CMB Mentor: Yatrik Shah,Ph.D. co-mentor: Costas Lyssiotis, Ph.D. Undergraduate Institution: Emory University Honors/ Service: Phi Beta Kappa, HHMI EXROP fellowship/Editor for Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI)
Caleb Cheng Joined CMB: 2022 CMB Mentor: Costas Lyssiotis Research Interests: Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Cancer metabolism,
Rocio Cisneros CMB Mentor Ming Li Research Interests Plasmalogen biosynthesis, lipid metabolism. Full Research Interests: integrating fundamental scientific principles with initiatives to reduce health disparities
Andrej Coleski Faculty Mentor Arul Chinnaiyan Research Interests epigenetics, tumor proliferation Full Research Interests I am studying epigenetic mechanisms of tumor proliferation and lineage plasticity in ESR1 mutant breast cancers.
Sam Collie Joined CMB: 2021 CMB Mentor: Carole Parent, Ph.D. Undergraduate Institution: Millsaps College Research Interests: Understanding the role of NETs in neutrophil-mediated immune functions as well as the intercellular signaling cascade surrounding this process.
Sarah Connolly Joined CMB: 2020 CMB Mentor: Melanie Ohi, Ph.D. Undergraduate Institution: Truman State University Research Interests: I am studying the H. pylori virulence factor vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA). Using single-particle cryo-EM, I am determining VacA's pore-form and characterizing its membrane interactions.
Adele Correia Joined CMB: 2021 CMB Mentor: Andrew Lieberman, Ph.D. Research Interests: I study the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Niemann-pick type C disease, an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder