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Jordan Machlin

Joined CMB:
CMB Mentor:
Ariella Shikanov, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Institution:
Brandeis University
Research Interests:
Interested in human ovarian folliculogenesis and fertility preservation
Ariel McShane

Ariel McShane

Joined CMB:
CMB Mentor:
Mats Ljungman, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Institution:
College of Charleston
Harihar Mohan

Harihar Milaganur Mohan

Joined CMB:
CMB Mentor:
Henry Paulson, MD, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Institution:
SASTRA University, India
Research Interests:
Using cell lines and neuronal models to investigate molecular mechanisms of Ubiquilin-2 (UBQLN2) regulation in normal cellular function and ALS caused by UBQLN2 mutations.
Shannon Miller

Shannon Miller

Joined CMB:
CMB Mentor:
Peter Todd, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Institution:
University of Colorado Boulder
Research Interests:
Understanding translation regulation of G4C2 repeat-containing transcripts in C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD.
Rodolfo Murguia Headshot

Rodolfo Murguia

CMB Mentor:
Jay Brito Querido, Ph.D.
Research Interests:
RNA, Translation Regulation, Biochemistry, Structural Biology