All CMB students take this course each semester. PIBS or MSTP students with an interest in CMB can also attend. Every Monday, students present a seminar on current literature or their thesis work. The Student Seminar is a great tool for building communication skills and a breadth of scientific knowledge while incorporating social interaction. Seminars are held throughout the academic year at Noon in M5330 MSI.
Student Seminars (CMB 850)
Short Course (CMB 630)
Students are required to take this course 4 or more times before they defend. Each semester the CMB Program offers a “Short Course” entitled Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology. The course is a mini-symposium composed of a series of 4-5 presentations over several weeks on a specific thematic topic. The topic and speakers are selected by CMB student volunteers. Leading investigators in the field are invited by students to visit as speakers.
These courses enable students to obtain intensive exposure to high-profile research areas and to have opportunities to interact with the speakers in multiple contexts, including formal discussions, informal meals, chalk talks, and one-to-one meetings (particularly if they are hosting the speaker). Such interactions have helped some CMB students find postdoctoral labs.
The sessions are open to the University community and attract large audiences. Titles of prior short courses organized by CMB students have been:
- Guarding the genome: recognition and repair of DNA damage
- The Nuts and Bolts of Protein Folding
- Stem Cell Biology
- Sensory Genetics
- The Evolving Genome
- Single cell transcriptomics
Check out the Video Recordings page under "Current Students" for recordings from previous CMB courses and events. CMB students from the CMB Short Course Committee organize the course each Fall semester, and the Genetics Training Program students organize the course each Winter semester.
See below for the most recently uploaded CMB 630 course details.