Research and development is a large function of the CSC and revolves around the exploration and inquiry surrounding the use of simulation in medical education, and the development of simulators that serve a specific purpose in the training and assessment of physicians and clinicians. Abundant research opportunities exist to examine the effects of simulation on patient outcomes, procedural techniques, team management, and other clinical practices.
Ongoing research includes:
- Development and evaluation of high, medium, and low fidelity simulators for task and system level training in medical procedures
- Validation of simulation-based assessment tools used to measure physicians’ and clinicians’ knowledge, procedural, and communication skills
- Best use of simulators and simulation-based education for individual and team performance training
- Effect of simulation on the selection and acceptance of clinical equipment
- Use of virtual reality simulated environments for clinical practice
- Impact of simulators on clinician training outcomes
- Use of simulators for assessment of clinical skills
- Influence of simulators and task trainers on clinical outcomes and patient safety
Faculty researchers at CSC represent multiple departments and specialty practices, which provides the Center with breadth and depth in its assessment of simulation technologies for diverse and variable medical applications. Research is also conducted in collaboration with government institutions and other medical centers throughout the United States. The faculty and staff of the the CSC also work collaboratively with members of industry to design and develop simulators for medical education and task specific clinical skills. The CSC also supports research and development projects specific to engineering, computer science, and biomedical science, and simulation-based education beyond the medical field.
Through its research program, CSC has created several unique products for simulation including the Michigan Standard Simulation Experience Scale (MiSSES) and the Simulator Value Index (SVI) Tool. These products are available for free to anyone within the medical simulation community. The CSC only asks the designated citation is used when adapting either tool