The Endowment for Basic Science (EBS) is a cooperative program developed by former U-M Medical School Dean, Allen Lichter, and the Chairs and Directors of the ten participating units.Together, we work for the advancement of research and teaching in the Medical School Basic Sciences through the development of new research initiatives, and recruitment of new faculty. EBS was established June 30, 2002 by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Dean of the Medical School, Allen Lichter, and the Heads of the nine participating units.
Participating Units
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biological Chemistry
- Cell & Developmental Biology (CDB)
- Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (DCMB)
- Human Genetics (HG)
- Learning Health Sciences (LHS)
- Microbiology and Immunology
- The Molecular & Behavioral Neuroscience Institute
- Molecular and Integrative Physiology
- Pharmacology
The Endowment for Basic Science (EBS) is a virtual endowment, the interest from which is used to support the Basic Sciences at the University of Michigan through an organizational entity designed to facilitate interactions between the participating units for the advancement of all the participating units. EBS is governed by the EBS Operating Committee, comprised of the Chair or Director of each participating unit and led by an elected rotating chair chosen by the membership.
The Endowment for Basic Science Goals
- Increase opportunities for the participating units to develop scientific interactions between themselves and with other University units.
- Improve the opportunities for the participating units to recruit outstanding faculty in support of programmatic themes and important departmental goals.
- Improve the participating units' ability to develop and compete for interdisciplinary research involving multi-unit participation and external funding.
- Participate with the Medical School Office of the Dean in support of new initiatives and programs.