At the beginning of the academic year, fellows are provided with the overall educational goals of the program. The director reviews these materials with each fellow, then midway through the program, the director investigates how well each of these goals is being achieved. These same goals are reviewed at the exit interview, thereby serving as one component of a final competency assessment. Fellows will present outcomes of their community health project at a Family Medicine Department Grand Rounds and also to relevant community stakeholder groups.
Over the course of the program, evaluation focuses on core competencies related to patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice. In an effort to identify strengths and weaknesses in a timely manner, the director meets with the fellow on a regular basis to review progress toward stated goals. Fellows are required to complete evaluations of each faculty member. They also periodically complete written evaluations of the overall program. This information is used to make continuous improvements to the program.