Four Department faculty, Kristina M. Gallagher, M.D., assistant professor, Joel J. Heidelbaugh, M.D., professor and director of the family medicine clerkship, Margaret A. Riley, M.D., assistant professor, and Pamela G. Rockewell, D.O., assistant professor and medical director of Domino’s Farms Family Medicine, were inducted into the medical school’s League of Educational Excellence.
The League of Educational Excellence was established in 2013 to honor education faculty for their extraordinary contributions to teaching and inspiring the next generation of Michigan physicians and scientists. The new faculty join James M. Cooke, M.D., assistant professor, James F. Peggs, M.D., professor emeritus, Kent J. Sheets, Ph.D., professor, and Eric P. Skye, M.D., associate professor and associate chair for educational programs, in this prestigious league.
“The four outstanding faculty teachers who were selected for the League of Educational Excellence this year are all incredible teachers, and it is so wonderful to see them recognized as such. The significant number of Family Medicine faculty included in the League attest to the high quality of teaching done in Family Medicine by everyone. As always, it is an honor to be associated with such stellar individuals," said Philip Zazove, M.D., the George A. Dean, M.D. Chair of Family Medicine.
The induction ceremony took place on Dec. 1, 2015 with Dean James O. Woolliscroft, M.D., and Senior Associate Dean for Education and Global Initiatives Joseph C. Kolars, M.D., who honored a total of 61 medical educators.