Lisa Meeks, Ph.D., clinical lecturer, was awarded the 2018 Honor for Meritorious Contribution from the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) this month. This award recognizes individuals and groups whose vision, values, efforts and/or accomplishments have had a significant impact on inclusion and access for people with disabilities.
In a July 2018 statement from AHEAD, Meeks was honored for "her unprecedented contribution to access and inclusion for students with disabilities in health science and medical education. Her work over the last decade has impacted policy and practice at a national level.
Through her development of the #DocsWithDisabilties campaign, her work with the Association for American Medical Colleges, AHEAD, and through her creation of the Coalition for Disability Access in Health Science and Medical Education she has changed the landscape and charted a course for access, while building a culture of inclusion for students with disabilities entering professional school programs."
AHEAD is the leading professional membership association for individuals committed to equity for persons with disabilities in higher education. Find more information at
Browse the latest research in disability health from the department of family medicine.