People with disabilities have the right to equal access to healthcare. Our team has compiled a wide variety of resources for primary care health professionals caring for people with disabilities.
Blindness and Vision Impairment
American Academy of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Pediatric Low-Vision Rehabilitation Resources
Managing the care of patients who have a visual impairment
A scholarly article on managing the care of patients who have a visual impairment.
Helping a patient who's visually impaired: Clinical do's and dont's
An infographic from a journal article on how to help a patient with a visual impairment.
Modernizing Healthcare to Improve Physical Accessibility
A summary of resources and tools for health care professionals to reduce barriers and provide access to high-quality care for people with disabilities.
General/Disability Etiquette
Respectful Interactions: Disability Language and Etiquette
This guidance sheet offers tips and advice from people who have disabilities.
Navigating Health Care with a Disability: Our Stories, a Focus on the Provider
A short video on the provider's role in caring for people with disabilities.
Tips for Caring for Patients with Disabilities, From a Mother and Physician
A blog post from a mother of a child with a disability, who is also a practicing physician.
A blog post detailing 6 tips for caring for patients with disabilities.
What Healthcare Professionals Can Do to be Accessible
A resource from the CDC on making healthcare more accessible.
Terminology for Communication About People With Disabilities
A guide from the American Physical Therapy Association on the correct terminology to use when talking to/about people with disabilities.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Addressing Gaps in Health Care for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Videos from the CDC 2019 Public Health Grand Rounds about improving health outcomes for people with ID.
Caring for a Person Who Has Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
An informational blog on tips for caring for individuals with ID.
Developmental Disabilities
The CDC's informational page on developmental disabilities.
Telehealth/Video Visit Resources for Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients
HLAA Hearing Loss of America
COVID-19: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers - Video-Based Telehealth Accessibility for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patients
NAD National Association of the Deaf
Telehealth During Coronavirus
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind Telehealth Resources
TDI - Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc.
TDI is the nation’s leading advocate for deaf and hard-of-hearing people’s equitable access to telephone, radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable networks.
TDI’s 24th Biennial Conference
TDI’s 24th Biennial Conference - Tuesday 27, July 2021 Breakout session on Telehealth Accessibility
Wheelchair Users/Physical Disabilities
Modernizing Healthcare to Improve Physical Accessibility
A summary of resources and tools for health care professionals to reduce barriers and provide access to high-quality care for people with disabilities.
Access To Medical Care For Individuals With Mobility Disabilities
ADA guidelines for health care facilities.