Taiwan Platform

Taiwan is home to the newest Global REACH Platform with collaborations largely centered on Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, the largest hospital system in Taiwan. The partnership launched in 2016 and has produced 17 joint research projects to-date in fields like surgery, otolaryngology, and cardiovascular medicine. An updated agreement in 2019 calls for expanded faculty exchange and is expected to bring as many as 20 Chang Gung faculty to Michigan Medicine over a five-year period for extensive research training. Michigan Medicine also enjoys partnerships with Academia Sinica, Taiwan's leading research institution, as well as National Taiwan University, a site for student exchange.

Publications with Collaborators in Taiwan: 22-23

View a list of publications authored by Global REACH Faculty Network members with collaborators in Taiwan during the 22-23 academic year. Throughout the year, more than 100 Global REACH Faculty Associates (from the medical school) and Faculty Affiliates (from other health science disciplines) published 384 papers with foreign co-authors, including 16 with Taiwanese collaborators.