Thursday, February 16, 2023

LET'S TALK ABOUT: Mental Wellness and the Asian Community

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Join information:


Meeting ID: 940 2614 6044

One tap mobile

+13092053325,,94026146044# US

Asian Americans are among the least likely to seek mental health care.  In this conversation we cover the reasons behind this trend & share steps for overcoming barriers to mental wellness. 

The AAPI Resource group will host a 60 min virtual session creating a space to discuss mental health wellness and challenges for our communities. The broader Asian community includes diverse nationalities, identities, and ethnicities and yet similarities are shared regarding the impacts of historical trauma, the ‘Perpetual Foreigner’ stereotype, racial trauma, stigma, and many other concerns. We seek to hold a safe and brave space to center, normalize, and validate the needs of AAPI communities through meaningful dialogue.