April 2021 News
April 23, 2021
Judy Chen's (Goldstein Lab) article acknowledged as one of the 20 Most-Read J Immunol articles of March 2021!
Judy Chen's (Goldstein Lab) article, " Role of Aging and the Immune Response to Respiratory Viral Infections: Potential Implications for COVID-19 " acknowledged amongst the 20 Most-Read Journal of Immunology
April 5, 2021
Amnah Yamani's (Hogan Lab) co-authored paper!
Congrats to Amnah on her co-authored paper, " Thermoneutrality Alters Gastrointestinal Antigen Passage Patterning and Predisposes to Oral Antigen Sensitization in Mice !" Make some time to
April 1, 2021
Congrats to Dan Tyrrell (Goldstein Lab) on K99/R00
Congrats to Dan Tyrrell, PhD on his K99/R00 award on aging, the cerebral vasculature and stroke. We're delighted for Dan and that his tireless efforts have paid off. Well done, Dan!