June 2021 News

June 16, 2021

New Paper from Moore Lab

The Moore Lab's new paper , "Stem cell transplantation uncovers TDO-AHR regulation of lung dendritic cells in herpesvirus-induced pathology," finds that alterations in the production of AHR ligands in response to respiratory pathogens following BMT results in a pro-Th17

June 16, 2021

Dr. Cascalho's New Work

Dr. Cascalho's new work , "IgV somatic mutation of human anti–SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies governs neutralization and breadth of reactivity," shows infection with SARS-CoV-2 evokes high-affinity B cell responses, some products of which are broadly neutralizing and others highly

June 15, 2021

Congrats to 2nd Years on Passing Prelims!

Congrats to Henry Gong (Deng Lab), Brandon McClellan (Castro Lab), Dawit Mengistu (Freeman Lab), Gabby Huizinga (Moore/Singer Labs), Elena Levi-D'Ancona (Soleimanpour), Emma Lauder (Reddy Lab), QingYang Liu (Kim Lab), Mitra Maz (Kahlenberg Lab), and Enze Xing (Gudjonsson Lab) on passing their prelim exams and subsequent advancement to candidacy

June 15, 2021

Congrats to Retreat Poster Awardees!

We are pleased to announce the award recipients from our first-ever virtual poster retreat session showcase. The virtual event was housed on Gather.Town lists and among its impressive awardees:

1st place - Helen Rich, PhD (Moore Lab) and Emily Yarosz (Chang Lab)

2nd place - Judy Chen (Goldstein Lab), Fang Fe, PhD (Grigorova Lab

June 15, 2021

Congrats to Immunology Students on their Outstanding Service!

Congratulations to the awardees of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards: Mike Haggadone (Peters-Golden Lab) and Eli Olson (Raghavan Lab), Outstanding Graduate Service Awards: Emily Yarosz (Chang Lab) and Gabby Huizinga (B. Moore & Singer Labs), and Outstanding Graduate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards: Francisco Gomez-Rivera (

June 15, 2021

Rising 2nd Year Students officially join IMM Program and Select Mentors

The Graduate Program in Immunology is pleased to announce and welcome new Immunology Students from PIBS: Sean Hannifin, Belle Henry, Padma Kadiyala, Jacob Martens, and Ashley Mello to the Immunology Graduate Program. Please refer to the rising 2nd years’ webpages for further information and join us in officially welcoming the new graduate