Shizuoka FM-UM Project

Exchanging ideas, building relationships

Shizuoka FM-UM Project at the Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan supports Shizuoka Family Medicine (SFM) Program based in Kikugawa city, Iwata city, Omaezaki city, and Mori machi in Shizuoka, Japan. It helps in training young Japanese physicians who wish to attain skills of world-class family medicine that fits the Japanese medical setting where family medicine has only been introduced recently. Its aim is to help train family physicians who have the skills to be primary care physicians for the whole family, revive community healthcare, and provide effective care for the increasing number of elderly, i.e., "the super-aging society."

Through the support of Shizuoka Prefectural Government Grant, University of Michigan faculty teaches in Japan through didactic and precepting during clinical care for one to two-week periods for each visit. Mostly first year Shizuoka Family Medicine Program residents and clinical fellows come to the University of Michigan to see the reality of family medicine during patient care, and will learn through didactics and standardized patients. Research collaborations are ongoing.


October 11, 2021: A study on practices and perspectives of physicians in Japan and the U.S. about diagnosing Dementia

October 28, 2015: Dr. Greg Shumer's NEJM blog post about his experience at SFM Program

February 24, 2015: Now with video, "Beyond Seppuku: A Multidisciplinary Context to Suicide in Japan"

February 12, 2015: Book on Modern Japan Features Work by Dr. Fetters