Essential medical terminology
- A medical terminology tutorial from the National Library of Medicine. Examines how medical words are put together, such as roots and prefixes.
- An online medical terminology mini-course from Des Moines University. Examines how medical words are put together, as well as terminology often used when examining different body systems.
US healthcare system
- Introductory video tutorial of the US healthcare system by the Khan Academy. Examines basic components of the healthcare system such as Medicare and Medicaid as well as copays and deductibles.
- A module providing an in-depth look at the US healthcare system by Boston University School of Public Health. Covers the structure of the US healthcare system as well as health policy.
Sociocultural differences in medical education
- A module containing a series of case studies to prepare trainees for short-term global health training by Johns Hopkins. Covers ethical issues that may arise during short-term training programs abroad.
- Online cultural training resource for study abroad by the University of the Pacific. This module examines cultural competence as well as differences and similarities in cultures, values, communication and identities. This module is not specific to medical education, but covers important topics for study abroad in general.
- An extensive module on safety and cultural competency in global health learning experiences by Boston University School of Medicine. Contains 3 parts – determining if a global health experience is right for you (Part 1), preparation and information about being on the ground, including how to handle emergency situations (Part 2) and reflecting on your experience upon return (Part 3). Some are geared towards residents traveling to developing countries which may be irrelevant.
- A module for health students with plans to learn medicine abroad by the University of Minnesota. Covers preparation for studying abroad as well as cultural and ethical considerations while abroad.
- A module to prepare medical residents for their global health rotations. Covers cultural competency and ethical considerations while learning abroad.
Achieving success on inpatient service
- Behavioral competency modules for medical professionals by the University of Arizona. Covers a range of topics from professionalism to communication skills for successfully delivering patient care.
- A list of hospital resources from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Contains several hospital guides on topics ranging from fall prevention in hospitals to reducing readmissions.
Developing a personalized development and self-evaluation plan & writing a reflective essay
Family Medicine Board Review Practice Questions
University of Michigan Department of Family Medicine resources
Other webpages with open-access medical education modules