SFM Residents and Fellows Visits to U-M Family Medicine
Since the launch of the Shizuoka FM-UM Project Grant in 2010, more than fifteen residents and one fellow from the Shizuoka Family Medicine Program have come to the University of Michigan Department of Family Medicine and participated in short-term rotations under the guidance of U-M faculty. Read More...
U-M and other US Faculty Visits to SFM
Since 2010, University of Michigan faculty members and faculty from other US institutions have visited the SFM Program to provide clinical and research training and other educational services under the Shizuoka FM-UM Project Grant. With the support of the grant, U-M faculty have worked side-by-side with Japanese health professionals and government officials to improve family medicine training in Japan through assisting in the development and evaluation of its resident training program. Read more...
Other Exchange Activities
Although not a part of Shizuoka FM-UM Project Grant activities, some exchanges grew out of the collaborative relationship between University of Michigan and Shizuoka Family Medicine Program and provided valuable experience to the participants to see how family medicine is practiced in both countries. We hope that these exchanges deepen understanding of what the true value of family medicine is and foster future collaboration. Read more...