Since 2010, University of Michigan faculty members and faculty from other US institutions have visited the SFM Program to provide clinical and research training and other educational services under the Shizuoka FM-UM Project Grant.
While at SFM in Shizuoka, Japan, the US faculty give lectures and workshops in family medicine related topics that meet the residents' needs. They also precept residents at the two residency training sites, Kikugawa Family Medicine Center and Morimachi Family Medicine Clinic and are involved in activities such as home visits and OB/Gyn service that maximize their expertise. Dr. Fetters and Dr. Crabtree who are experts in the field of family medicine research provide consultation for the residents' original projects and its curriculum development. In addition, Dr. Skye and Dr. Rew have conducted faculty development workshops and lectures (e.g., resident wellness, mentoring and advising, precepting methods, etc.) to help support the training of future family medicine teachers in Shizuoka.
Since 2013, the US faculty have also conducted Saturday workshops in the areas of mixed methods, faculty development, and other topics that are of interest to the SFM residents and faculty.
With the support of the grant and working side-by-side with Japanese health professionals and government officials, the US faculty provide a wide variety of teaching and consultation activities that help develop and establish the SFM Program as one of the nationwide leaders in family medicine residency training program.
You can find out more about the SFM Program here (in Japanese only).