Kayla Marcotte is a MD/PhD student with the University of Michigan Medical School and Department of Learning Health Sciences. She is pursuing a PhD in Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS). Kayla completed Bachelor’s degrees in Neuroscience and Biology and a Master’s Degree in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).
Kayla has previously worked in educational research through the Think Lab at UTD, the Neurobiology of Memory Lab at UTD, MCORRP at Michigan Medicine, and the Department of Anatomy at the University of Michigan Medical School. She has an extensive background in teaching Anatomy & Physiology to undergraduate, graduate, and medical students.
Kayla’s primary research interest is improving educational experience for both learners and instructors through learning analytics. She is particularly interested in competency based medical education (CBME), instructional training for educators, and feedback utilization for learners.
Published Articles or Reviews
Vasquez, JA, Marcotte, K, Gruppen, LD. The parallel evolution of competency‐based education in medical and higher education. Competency‐based Education. 2021; 00:e01234.
K. M. Marcotte, R. Krallman, J. DuRussel-Weston, E. Kline-Rogers, E. Jackson, and K. A. Eagle. Parental influences on children’s healthy behaviors, Circulation, 2017.
S. Dudgeon, K. M. Marcotte, G. M. Fox, and B. Alsup. A previously unclassified variant of sternalis, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 2017. 10.1007/s00276-017-1883-2
N. S. Arora, K. M. Marcotte, and J. Hopper. Adolescence and opioids: Preparing physicians for challenging times, Substance Abuse, 2017.
T. Crawford, W. Froehlich, J. Kron, A. Chicos, K. Ellenbogen, S. Kalbeisch, V. Vedantham, H. Roukoz, D. Benditt, N. Estes, W. Sauer, K. Soejima, A. Bhan, F. Murgatroyd, M. Ortman, L. Rosenfeld, D. DeLurgio, K. Kaitani, P. Zimetbaum, K. Nour, Z. Goldberger, K. Patton, T. Dickfeld, M. Mazzini, D. Frisch, S. Mukerji, C. Narasimhan, D. Steckman, K. Marcotte, X. Gu, and F. Bogun. Patients with cardiac sarcoidosis experience a significant delay in diagnosis, Heart Rhythm, May 2017.
J. Kron, A. Chicos, F. Bogun, K. Ellenbogen, S. Kalbeisch, V. Vedantham, D. Benditt, N. Estes, W. Sauer, K. Soejima, A. Bhan, F. Murgatroyd, M. Ortman, L. Rosenfeld, D. DeLurgio, K. Kaitani, P. Zimetbaum, K. Nour, Z. Goldberger, K. Patton, T. Dickfeld, M. Mazzini, D. Frisch, S. Mukerji, C. Narasimhan, D. Steckman, K. Marcotte, X. Gu, and T. Crawford. Treatment of cardiac sarcoidosis with steroids and steroid-sparing immunosuppressants: Findings from the cardiac sarcoidosis consortium registry, Heart Rhythm, May 2017.