June 26, 2019

DLHS Faculty Receive Mcubed Grants

Four faculty members have been awarded funds from new round of Mcubed 3.0 grants

"Housed in the University of Michigan's Office for Research (UMOR), Mcubed is part of the Third Century Initiative, established by the provost and president for the University's bicentennial celebration in 2017."

Our DLHS recipients for the current 3.0 open round are as follows.

Gretchen Piatt Developing online modules to enable cervical cancer screening through Pap smears in Low-Middle Income countries

V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran TRX Anscribe: Development of an algorithm to automatically transcribe e-prescription directions in the pharmacy

Jodyn Platt The comparative politics of Health IT

James Cooke Smart Simulators:Multi-Material High Resolution 3D Printing for Advanced Medical Training

James M. Cooke, M.D.

Professor, Family Medicine and Learning Health Sciences
Executive Director, Clinical Simulation Center