November 20, 2020

Two Notable New Publications from DLHSers

Third party sharing of health data and how a learning network reorients to COVID are explored

Putting the network to work: Learning networks in rapid response situations published October 29, 2020 in the open access Learning Health Systems Journal was authored by Alexandra H. Vinson.  Vinson examines the workings of the Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System (ELHS) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.  ELHS is a "national multistakeholder Learning Network of patients, patient and family partners, providers, researchers, community services providers, and advocates working together to improve healthcare and quality of life for people with epilepsy."  The article explores the questions: 

  • How did a Learning Network leadership team use the network's existing infrastructure to support the network community during the COVID‐19 response?
  • What can this case teach us about the infrastructural aspects of Learning Health Systems?

The public’s comfort with sharing health data with third-party commercial companies authored by M. Grace Trinidad, Jodyn Platt and Sharon L. R. Cardia was published November 11, 2020 online in  Spurred by the announcement of a partnership between Google and health provider Ascension and cases of other large scale sharing of health care data, the authors examine "what healthcare systems can do to manage or mitigate public concerns about the use of their health data."



Sharon L.R. Kardia, Ph.D.

Sharon L.R. Kardia, Ph.D.

CCMB Affiliate Faculty
Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Epidemiology
Director, Public Health Genetics Program
Director, Life Sciences and Society Program