Pharmacology Seminar Series
MSII West Lecture Hall, 3697
MSII West Lecture Hall, 3697
(Hosted By MNI and BI)
Disclosures: TBD
Host: Lara Coughlin, Ph.D.
CEUs: CME, APA, Social Work
We invite the greater University of Michigan Neuroscience community to join us on the second Thursday of every month for MNI's monthly seminar. These events feature multiple "data blitz" presentations, giving neuroscientists campus-wide the opportunity to learn more about each other’s science. Please email
Chemistry & Dow Willard H Laboratory (Central Campus), Room 1300
Katharine Thakkar, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology in Michigan State University is giving a talk titled: "Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Rapid
Online seminar - link will be sent to those who attend.
Tips and tactics to help MNI faculty successfully navigate Twitter as a neuroscience researcher.
Author discussion: SEPARATED - Updates, Analysis and Actions for the Future
4448 East Hall
Dr. David Nguyen, Research Fellow working with Dr. Kent Berridge is giving a talk titled: "Amygdala neuronal mechanisms of 'wanting what hurts' "