Areas of Interest
My research uses both behavioral testing and fMRI to understand how older adults--and their brains--respond to demands for controlled attention. Of particular interest are the different patterns of brain activation often shown by older adults compared to young adults, and whether they reflect attempts to compensate for age-related changes in brain structure and attentional control. Most of my research focuses on how age differences in attention contribute to age differences in memory, with a secondary interest in their influence on older adults' perceptions of time.
- B.A., Psychology, Case Western Reserve University (1996)
- M.A., Psychology, Case Western Reserve University (1996)
- Ph.D., Psychology, Duke University (2001)
- Postdoctoral fellow Psychology, Washington University (2001-2004)
Published Articles or Reviews
- Reuter-Lorenz, P.A. and Lustig, C. (2005). Brain aging: reorganizing discoveries about the aging mind. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 15:1-7.
- Lustig, C. and Buckner R. L. (2004). Preserved Neural Correlates of Priming in Old Age and Dementia. Neuron, 40: 865-875.
- Lusting C., Konkel, A., and Jacoby, L. L. (2004). Which Route to Recovery? Psychological Science, Vol. 15, 11:729-735.
- Lustig, C., Snyder, A.Z., Bhakta, M., O'Brien, K. C., McAvoy, M., M.E. Morris, J.C., and Buckner, R.L. (2003). Funcational deactivations: Change with age and dementia of the Alzheimer type. PNAS, Vol. 100, 24:14504-14509.