Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.

Research Professor, Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Associate Vice President for Research - Health Sciences, Research Professor, Institute for Data Science, U-M Office of Research
Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg Professor of Depression and Neurosciences, Department of Psychiatry

Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Arbor Lakes Bldg 3, Flr 3, Rm 3200
Ann Arbor MI 48109-3640


Administrative Contact

Stephanie Campbell [email protected]

Areas of Interest

The goal of the Sen laboratory is to shed light on how human genetic variation and stress interact to create the pathophysiological architecture underlying major depression.

Studying the interaction of genes and stress in depression is challenging because it is difficult to predict the onset of stressful situations, and because the type of stress encountered varies widely between individuals. To counter these barriers, the Sen lab uses the medical internship – the first year of professional physician training – as a model for studying stress. They utilize focused genotype arrays within the  sample of interns to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and copy number variants involved in moderating the relationship between stress and depression. They also use the medical internship model to investigate the effects of stress on epigenetic patterns, serum protein levels, endothelial and neural function.

Published Articles or Reviews

Assessing Real-Time Moderation for Developing Adaptive Mobile Health Interventions for Medical Interns: Micro-Randomized Trial.
NeCamp T, Sen S, Frank E, Walton MA, Ionides EL, Fang Y, Tewari A, Wu Z. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Mar 31;22(3):e15033. doi: 10.2196/15033.

Poor sleep is a health crisis for physicians and nurses.
Kalmbach DA, Sen S, Drake CL. Sleep Med. 2020 Mar;67:256-257. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2020.01.004. Epub 2020 Jan 15. No abstract available.

Substantial Overlap Between Factors Predicting Symptoms of Depression and Burnout Among Medical Interns.
Rotenstein LS, Zhao Z, Mata DA, Guille C, Sen S. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 Feb 5. doi: 10.1007/s11606-020-05664-x. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.

Political events and mood among young physicians: a prospective cohort study.
Frank E, Nallamothu BK, Zhao Z, Sen S. BMJ. 2019 Dec 9;367:l6322. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l6322.

Racial and Ethnic Diversity and Depression in Residency Programs: a Prospective Cohort Study.
Elharake JA, Frank E, Kalmbach DA, Mata DA, Sen S. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 Apr;35(4):1325-1327. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05570-x. Epub 2019 Dec 3. No abstract available.

Association Between Physician Depressive Symptoms and Medical Errors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Pereira-Lima K, Mata DA, Loureiro SR, Crippa JA, Bolsoni LM, Sen S. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Nov 1;2(11):e1916097. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.16097.

Genomic prediction of depression risk and resilience under stress.
Fang Y, Scott L, Song P, Burmeister M, Sen S. >Nat Hum Behav. 2020 Jan;4(1):111-118. doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0759-3. Epub 2019 Oct 28.

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