The Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology (SURP) program offers outstanding underrepresented undergraduates the opportunity to conduct intensive research across a variety of disciplines. The goal is to prepare students for advanced studies in one of the Ph.D. programs at the University of Michigan.
The SURP program allows undergraduates the opportunity to work on graduate level research projects with faculty. Students work with faculty mentors either on an individual basis or as part of a research team. In addition, all participants engage in a series of academic, professional, and personal development seminars. Participants present their research at a concluding summer research symposium.
The funding amount for 2024 will be $7,200 ($15/hr), pre-tax, for twelve weeks of full-time work from May 28 through August 16. Participants may not enroll for classes, concurrent summer programs, or hold other employment during the period of the program.
This program is generously supported by the funds from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) (Grant Number #R25HL108842) and as such is contingent on continued funding by NHLBI.
**Application submissions closes Monday, February 5 2024, 11:59 p.m.**
Please visit our Applicant Information page for more information.