3rd Year Student Seminar - Ryan Neff & Lloyd Ruiz
7745 MS II
Ryan Neff
Mentor: Geoff Murphy
"Down Syndrome & DSCAM: A Tale of Behavior and Microglia"
Lloyd Ruiz
Mentor: Sue Brooks
“Characterizing Subsynaptic Myonuclei in Aged Muscle”
7745 MS II
Ryan Neff
Mentor: Geoff Murphy
"Down Syndrome & DSCAM: A Tale of Behavior and Microglia"
Lloyd Ruiz
Mentor: Sue Brooks
“Characterizing Subsynaptic Myonuclei in Aged Muscle”
Palmer Commons Forum Hall
Liz Ronan
"Neural and Genetic Mechanisms of Sensory Reception in C. elegans"
This seminar is being rescheduled. Please check back for new date.
Hosted by Scott Leiser
Jennifer Garrison, PhD
Assistant Professor, Buck Institute
Assistant Adjunct Professor, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, UCSF
Assistant Adjunct Professor, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, USC
Associate Director, Buck-USC Biology of Aging Ph.D. Program
Founder & Director, Global
Hosted by Liangyou Rui
ZOOM, Passcode: MIPSpeaker
Hei Sook Sul, PhD
Professor & Chair of the Dept. Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology
Doris H. Calloway Chair in Human Nutrition
University of California, Berkeley
This seminar is being rescheduled. Please check back for new date.
Hosted by Carol Elias
Stephanie Correa, PhD
Assistant Professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology
College of Life Sciences at UCLA
Seminar Title: “Estrogenic modulation of neural circuits that
This seminar is being rescheduled. Please check back for new date.
Hosted by Pierre Apostolides
Won Chan Oh, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology
University of Colorado School of Medicine – Anschutz Medical Campus
Seminar Title: “Wiring the brain: cellular and molecular mechanisms