
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

MIP Seminar Series - Jennifer Garrison, PhD

4:00 PM

This seminar is being rescheduled. Please check back for new date.

Hosted by Scott Leiser

Jennifer Garrison, PhD

Assistant Professor, Buck Institute
Assistant Adjunct Professor, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, UCSF
Assistant Adjunct Professor, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, USC
Associate Director, Buck-USC Biology of Aging Ph.D. Program
Founder & Director, Global

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

MIP Seminar Series - Hei Sook Sul, PhD

4:00 PM

Hosted by Liangyou Rui

ZOOM, Passcode: MIPSpeaker

Hei Sook Sul, PhD

Professor & Chair of the Dept. Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology
Doris H. Calloway Chair in Human Nutrition
University of California, Berkeley

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

MIP Seminar Series - Tom Arnold, MD

4:00 PM

7745 MS II

Hosted by David Antonetti

Tom Arnold, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of California – San Francisco School of Medicine

Seminar Title: “From Hydrocephalus to Norrie Disease, a Critical Role for Heme Transport at the Blood Brain Barrier”

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

MIP Seminar Series - Jonathan Long, PhD

4:00 PM

This seminar is being rescheduled. Please check back for new date.

Hosted by Jun Wu

Jonathan Long, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pathology
Stanford CheM-H Institute Scholar
Stanford University

Seminar Title: “Tissue Crosstalk in Exercise: Molecules, Pathways, and Therapeutic Opportunities

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

MIP Seminar Series - Ilya Ruvinsky, PhD

4:00 PM

This seminar is being rescheduled. Please check back for new date.

Hosted by Scott Leiser and Scott Pletcher

Ilya Ruvinsky, PhD

Associate Professor of Ecology & Evolution and Organismal Biology and Anatomy
Northwestern University

Seminar Title: to be determined
