Ophthalmologists from the Great Lakes area are invited to join a study group to discuss the diagnosis, management, pathology and research in the field of intraocular, corneal, conjunctival, adnexal, orbit and eyelid tumors and simulating conditions.
Under the direction of Hakan Demirci, MD, the Ocular Oncology Service has hosted the Great Lakes Ocular Oncology Study Group for the past several years. The meetings include 10 to 15 minute case presentations with lively educational discussions. Cases can be a mystery “unknown” case to stump the audience, an interesting teaching case, or one which seeks opinions regarding diagnosis or management. All are intended to have teaching pearls that will be useful in clinical practice.
The meetings provide ophthalmologists with the opportunity to discuss their difficult ocular oncology cases and to learn from each other in an informal, collegial atmosphere. Many have found our forum to be a great opportunity to get together with colleagues in the Great Lakes area to learn and have fun.
Food and beverage will be available at 6:00 PM followed by the study group presentations beginning at 6:30 pm.
Study Group Schedule
Meetings are held biannually. Interested clinicians and medical trainees should contact the conference administrators to add their email address to the list, for access to communications on upcoming meetings.
Contact Information
Hakan Demirci, M.D.
[email protected]