Collaborating Faculty

Robin Ali, PhD

Robin Ali, PhD, FMedSci

Visiting Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center
Professor of Human Molecular Genetics
Director, Centre for Cell and Gene Therapy, King’s College London
Academic Office: 734-936-9503
Alan L. Robin, MD

Alan L. Robin, MD

Professor, Ophthalmology, Wilmer Eye Institute
Professor, International Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Jeffery Stern, MD, PhD

Jeffrey Stern, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator/ Director of Translational Research/ Co-Founder
Neural Stem Cell Institute
Jeffrey Sundstrom, MD, PhD

Jeffrey M. Sundstrom, MD, PhD

Bennett and Inez Chotiner Early Career Professor in Ophthalmology
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Neural and Behavioral Sciences, and Cellular and Molecular Physiology
PennState Health
Sally Temple, PhD

Sally Temple, PhD

Scientific Director/ Principal Investigator/ Co-Founder
Neural Stem Cell Institute