Tuesday, February 19, 2019

DIPG Research Focus Group - Epigenetic hijacking of prenatal pontine ID1 expression promotes tumor invasion and proliferation in pediatric DIPG

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Conference room 3550 MSRB II

Refreshments will be served.

Koschmann Lab Presenters:

Micah Harris, BS and Vivek Yadav, PhD.

There is tremendous momentum for DIPG related research at our university with the establishment of the Chad Carr Pediatric Brain Tumor Center. We have launched a DIPG focus group to bring together anyone who is interested in DIPG research at the U of M. Our goals are to collaborate, exchange ideas, present and critique data and bring together diverse fields to advance DIPG research to put U of M at the leading edge of DIPG research.