My team provides drug information services as well as supports the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee by completing formulary reviews, medication use evaluations, and clinical policies/guidelines.We also precept IPPE and APPE students on Drug Information/Medication Use Policy.
Pharmacy School Attended: University of Michigan College of Pharmacy (1999)
Areas of Interest
Formulary Management, Clinical Outcomes, Practice Management
Published Articles or Reviews
- Reid JH, Durant KM, Chen S, Perissinotti AJ, King R, Khoriarty R, Marini B. Role of caplacizumab in the treatment of acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice. 2020
- Bazzell B, Wagner D, Durant KM, Callahan B. Insights on developing a field hospital formulary and medication distribution process in preparation for a second surge of COVID-19 cases. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2020; Accepted for publication.