January 21, 2019

Dr. Tate Gives Keynote Address to ACCT in Sweden

Dr. Denise Tate was the keynote speaker for Advancing Continence Care Together 2018 (ACCT), a global forum taking a holistic approach to bladder and bowel dysfunction in Gothenburg, Sweden.

"Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction and their Impact on Wellbeing and Quality of Life Putting the Patient in the Driver’s Seat" was part of a slate of 12 presentations during the forum, including a second presentation from Dr. Tate titled, "Introduction to debate: Coping vs intervention – should we always strive to overcome barriers to bladder/bowel care?" 

Dr. Tate presenting at ACCT 2018

For full coverage of the meeting, you can download the program and the speaker bios here:

2018 Program

2018 Speaker Bios

The slides for Dr. Tate's presentation can be  downloaded here or viewed as images below.