May 18, 2021

Dr. Denise Tate, Dr. Carrie Pilarski, and Tom Hoatlin present at European Spinal Psychologist Association (ESPA) conference.

Dr. Denise Tate, Dr. Carrie Pilarski, and Tom Hoatlin recently presented at the European Spinal Psychologist Association (ESPA) conference. Watch their presentations below!

Dr. Tate's Conference Introduction


Dr. Denise Tate's Keynote Presentation: Shared Health Decision Making in Spinal Cord Injury


Dr. Pilarski's Conference Presentation: SCI Clinical Care and Advocating for Disability Justice During a Pandemic



Tom Hoatlin's Conference Presentation: Peer Mentoring Lived Experience

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Denise Tate, PhD, ABPP, FACRM

Associate Chair of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Associate Chair for Research
Countries of Interest: Brazil, Germany, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Argentina, Chile