ERP Study

ERP (Event-Related Brain Potential) Study: Identification of Neurophysiological Markers of Suicidal Behavior and Impulsivity in Bipolar Disorder

The Bipolar Research Team uses several methods to learn more about the biological underpinnings of bipolar disorder. The goal of this study is to examine the relationship between levels of impulse control and suicidal behavior in research volunteers with bipolar disorder.  We will be using electroencephalograms (EEG) and neuropsychological tests to examine this relationship in participants with bipolar disorder and unaffected controls.  Using EEG we can detect the timing and wave pattern of certain events in the brain.  We hope to find a biological marker through EEG that can assist us in identifying individuals at high risk for impulsive suicidal behavior.

This study is no longer actively recruiting. To learn more about participating in other research, please contact a research associate at 1-877-UM GENES (1-877-864-3637) or [email protected]

This study has received approval from IRBMED: HUM00041294