April 17, 2019

Prechter Bipolar Research Program Spring 2019 Faculty Retreat

"Research Trajectories – Bipolar and Beyond "

On April 3, 2019, the Prechter Bipolar Research Program held its annual faculty meeting. Attendees were comprised of active collaborators across the University of Michigan on the different Prechter research studies and others who have interacted in a research capacity with the Prechter Program.  

The theme of Bipolar and Beyond reflected that the information generated in the study of bipolar disorder will be directly relevant to many other psychiatric and medical disorders. The Prechter Program is keen to engage as many researchers as possible across different disciplines, both from the perspective of accessing physical samples and data, and, when appropriate, to engage our research participants in novel projects. We were recently granted permission to engage the ~2,000 bipolar individuals in the Michigan Genomics Initiative that are in addition to the 1,300 participants currently in the Prechter Program's Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder. The depth of our sample and the associated data collected is substantial.

The meeting started with an overview of Prechter Program, followed by an overview of Precision Health at the University of Michigan, and ended with a discussion of new ideas.

Attendees of the faculty retreat -- Pictured left to right, back row:
Celeste Liebrecht, Holli Bertram, Ivy Tso, Sue O’Shea, Steve Taylor, Roman Giger, Melvin McInnis, Geoff Murphy, Neera Ghaziuddin, Paul Jenkins, Will Meurer, David Marshall, Srijan Sen

Front row:
Helen Burgess, Cynthia Burton, Patty Deldin, Sagar Parikh, Emily Mower Provost