March 27, 2023

Ask Me Anything: Dr. Sarah Sperry and Dr. Sagar Parikh take to Reddit for World Bipolar Day

Prechter Program faculty members Sarah Sperry, Ph.D. and Sagar Parikh, M.D., FRCPC, will be participating in a Reddit Ask Me Anything thread for World Bipolar Day on March 30, 2023

Dr. Sarah Sperry will be a panelist for the World Bipolar Day Ask Me Anything Reddit. 

To recognize World Bipolar Day on March 30, 2023, the CREST.BD network is hosting another Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit. Over 66 bipolar disorder experts from 12 countries will be panelists for this event, including Prechter Program researchers Dr. Sarah Sperry and Dr. Sagar Parikh

Dr. Sagar Parikh will be a panelist for the World Bipolar Day Ask Me Anything Reddit. 

Panelists will be online for over 48 hours to answer questions on all things bipolar disorder. Look for the thread on r/IAmA. Hop on Reddit on March 30, 2023 for the r/IAmA thread. If you don't see the thread right away, sort by "new." Dr. Sperry's username is u/crest_bd.

This is a great opportunity to ask an expert in bipolar research any question you might have!