What women know about the science of perfectionism
Dr. Emily Bilek is quoted in this Salon story.
Dr. Emily Bilek is quoted in this Salon story.
“Susan’s passion and commitment to helping others access care is extraordinary. She is a wonderful partner in these efforts.”
New paper published by TRAILS team members Natalie Rodriguez-Quintana, Ph.D., M.P.H., Allison Meyer, Ph.D., et al., in Cognitive an d Behavioral Practice
Two sleep experts address their most-asked questions about falling asleep, staying asleep and addressing sleep disorders.
Kirk J. Brower, M.D., the Medical School's Chief Wellness Officer, and eight other CWOs, published an essay in NEJM Catalyst -- a website run by NEJM but aimed at sharing essays about innovation rather than research findings
New paper published by Emily L. Bilek, Ph.D., ABPP, et al., in Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Dr. Patel provides his insight in an episode about disruptive behaviors.
Dr. Kate Rosenblum lends her expertise to this Healthline story.
Experts welcome new federal funding for more injury prevention research to reduce the toll of a leading cause of death while respecting Second Amendment rights.
The Michigan Suicide Prevention Commission's Report 2021 emphasizes the need for person-first language. Dr. John Greden is a member of the commission.
Topic: "Effective Strategies for Managing Severe Eating Disorders"
Dr. Quigley provides her insight in an episode about psychiatric consultation.
Dr. Kara Zivin was interviewed for STAT’s “First Opinion Podcast”
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