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Scheduling Your Outpatient Appointment

What to expect when you call

How should I prepare for this call?

Please have your insurance card available at the time of your call so that we can obtain preliminary information. Due to the variability of insurance policies, it may be helpful for you to contact your insurance company ahead of time to verify your benefit coverage.

What will we discuss during the call?

When you first call to schedule an appointment, our staff will ask you a series of questions and gather other necessary information to ensure we provide the care most appropriately matched to you or your child.

As part of the scheduling process, you will also be informed of research opportunities. We have many studies currently recruiting. Some offer compensation and several offer treatment.

What happens once I am scheduled?

Our Outpatient Psychiatry program is designed as a consultation service. We offer every patient thorough evaluation and treatment recommendations tailored to their unique needs, but we are not able to provide ongoing care for many of who we evaluate.

We will suggest referral options in your community based on our treatment recommendations. You or your ongoing care provider may request documentation from your evaluation to assist in your continued treatment by calling 734-936-5490 for medical records.