Mortality & Morbidity Conference - Michael Jibson, M.D., Ph.D.
This conference is for University of Michigan affiliated personnel only.
No COI disclosures are required for this conference.
CME: Yes
This conference is for University of Michigan affiliated personnel only.
No COI disclosures are required for this conference.
CME: Yes
Rachel Upjohn Building Auditorium and Virtual webinar
The speakers have nothing to disclose.
CME, APA, Social Work CEUs: 2.0
Danto Auditorium | Frankel Cardiovascular Center | 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor
Inaugural Eisenberg Lecture--Dr. Karl Deisseroth
Dr. Deisseroth focuses on developing molecular and cellular tools to observe, perturb, and re-engineer brain circuits. His laboratory is based in the James H. Clark Center at Stanford and employs a range of techniques including neural stem cell and tissue engineering methods,
The Department of Psychiatry offers several research opportunities. Some studies may offer compensation and/or treatment.