The Radiology Residency Program offers an excellent compensation and benefits package, including health and disability insurance, vacation days and holiday pay. This package is negotiated by the House Officers Association (HOA).
Salary and Financial Support
Salary for Fiscal Year 2025 is listed below:
HO I $72,275
HO II $75,166
HO III $78,173
HO IV $81,300
HO V $84,552
HO VI $87,934
HO VII $91,451
HO VIII $95,109
HO IX $98,913
Lump Sum Payment Information
HO I $7,227
HO II $7,516
HO III $7,817
HO IV $8,130
HO V $8,455
HO VI $8,793
HO VII $9,145
HO VIII $9,510
HO IX $9,891
- Upon hire, all residents receive $250 credit for meals on their U-M ID card. In addition, residents are provided additional credit for meals when taking call and meeting the criteria outlined in the HOA contract. This money can be used at the Cafeteria, Einstein Bagels, Starbucks, Subway, and other cafes scattered throughout the hospital system.
- Residents have the option of enrolling their personal cell phone in the hospitals two-factor authentication system. If they do so they will receive a stipend of $60 per month to cover cell phone costs.
- Residents are provided with $1800 to present or exhibit research at national or international conferences (to defray travel, hotel, and meeting registration costs).
- All third-year residents are encouraged to attend the American Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) four-week radiologic-pathologic correlation course either virtually or in person in Silver Spring, Maryland. The department covers the $2000 AIRP registration fee. There is also a stipend of $2000 for living/travel expenses for those attending in person.
- Comprehensive health insurance coverage including vision, dental, life, disability, and flexible spending accounts.
Educational Resources
- StatDx access
- RADPrimer access
- Resident e-library: hundreds of books available in electronic form for resident access in the University of Michigan cloud storage.
- U-M Taubman Medical Library: access to numerous medical journals and radiology text books online.
- iPad 128 GB: provided to each resident and pre-loaded with numerous radiology textbooks and apps
Educational Fund
Each year, residents receive $640 for American Board of Radiology (ABR) dues.
In addition, residents receive the following amounts:
- First year of residency: $1000
- Second year of residency: $250
- Third year of residency: $250
- Fourth year of residency: $250
Internal Moonlighting
- Beginning in their second-year, residents have the opportunity to moonlight at several outpatient facilities. Residents are paid $75 per hour to be present at these facilities in the event that there is an adverse reaction to injected contrast material.
- 20 weekdays of vacation each academic year, with three weeks taken in weekly blocks. The fourth week can be taken as individual days.
- House Officer holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, House Officer Birthday.
- If a resident works on a house officer holiday, they will be paid an additional 1/365th of their annual salary.
U-M House Officers Association
- House Officer’s at U-M are represented by the House Officers Association (HOA) and receive benefits and compensation on the basis of a bargained-for contract negotiated by the HOA.
- There is a House Officer Lounge on the 2nd floor next to the cafeteria where residents in all specialties can help themselves to free Keurig coffee and chocolate.
- Several times a year the HOA organizes happy hours, which are free to all U-M house officers. This is a great way to meet and interact with fellow residents in different specialties.
House Officer Wellness
- Wellness resource website
- Every house officer is guaranteed membership to the UH South Wellness Center for $10 per month. The gym is open 24 hours per day with a wide variety of strength and cardiovascular training equipment. The gym can be easily accessed before or after work, or even before starting a call shift!