From 12:00 – 1:30 pm, there are two separate 45-minute conferences given by faculty from all radiology subspecialties. These conferences cover the organ system-based core curriculum through both case-based and didactic methods. There also are several weeks of noon conferences every year dedicated to the non-radiologic curriculum, such as treatment of contrast reactions, quality improvement, and the business of radiology.
Daily Noon Conferences
Daily Morning Subspecialty Conferences
Every morning starts with an hour-long conference starting at 7:30 am. These conferences are often given by residents or fellows. The majority of these conferences are cased-based presentations. Trainee conferences are supervised by faculty, allowing for the trainee to develop presentation and radiologic skills.
Radiology Grand Rounds
The department hosts monthly grand rounds given by a mix of invited lecturers, internal faculty, and our own senior residents presenting a capstone project. There are several named annual lectureships for visiting professors such as the Whitehouse Lecture, the DiPietro Lecture, the Beierwaltes Lecture, and the Berg Lecture.
Pre-Call Lectures
After rotating through all core rotations and before starting both junior and senior call, selected faculty are invited to review high-yield call cases to the resident class preparing for the pool, during specially given afternoon conferences. These conferences are highly rated by residents as a way to consolidate their knowledge before taking call.
Physics Lectures
Residents attend an internal physics course given by our department’s world expert medical physicists. The lectures cover the physics of all modalities to prepare for the ABR Core Exam as well as satisfying the National Regulatory Committee requirements to become an authorized prescribers of radiopharmaceuticals.
Board Review Curriculum
Every spring, faculty participate in a series of lectures held daily at 7:30 am and 12:00 pm specifically designed to prepare third year residents for the Core Exam given by the American Board of Radiology. These lectures, which tend to be hot-seat conferences, are consistently rated as the best conferences given every year.
Tumor Boards
The department participates in a large number of weekly tumor boards. Residents have the opportunity to take part in these conferences and present cases along with fellows and faculty in order to participate more fully in the various interdisciplinary teams.