Grand Rounds
Ford Auditorium
Ford Auditorium
Ford Auditorium
Ford Auditorium
General Surgery Chief Talk
Challenges of the Premature Newborn: Implications for the Artificial Placenta
Ford Auditorium
Surgical Reversal: Evidence, Atherectomy, and Researching What Irritates You
Ford Auditorium
General Surgery Chief Talk
BRCA: A Lived Experience
Ford Auditorium (& Zoom)
Transplant Surgery: "Machine Preservation in Transplantation: Past, Present, and Future"
Ford Auditorium (& Zoom)
Michigan Promise Lecture Series
Mini-Sabbatical Presentations
Ford Auditorium (& Zoom)
A Showcase of Faculty
Ford Auditorium (& Zoom)
The Dilemma of Lack of Diversity in Surgery: Altering the Paradigm with Mentorship of High School Students.
Ford Auditorium (& Zoom)
Michigan Promise Lecture Series - 5th Annual Asa G. Yancey, Sr. Lecture
Black American Medicine: The Modern Legacy of Dr. Asa G. Yancey, Sr.