January 20, 2016

Urology's Dr. John DeLancey quoted in Miami Herald article on pelvic organ prolapse

Dr. DeLancey, who has a joint appointment with the University of Michigan's departments of Urology and Gyenecology, provided insight on the changing perspective toward the condition and its associated treatments.

Dr. DeLancey spoke on how current views of pelvic organ prolapse were not conducive to action.

“This is a stigmatized condition,” said Dr. DeLancey. “It’s nothing people would talk about in polite company. … And because nobody talks about it, everyone thinks they’re the only one.”

Dr. DeLancey pioneered the use of MRIs and biomechanical analysis to diagnose pelvic floor damage.
The article touches on the gradually changing perception of the condition, as well as the evolving and improving treatment options.