Spaced Education Urology Curriculum
All people understand the concept of forgetting. As time moves on, learned knowledge decays. Medical knowledge is prey to the same processes of forgetting. In the department of Urology residency program, we chose to transition to a 2-year block curriculum. Although this improved learning by consolidating similar topics, we grew concerned that key urologic concepts would be forgotten during the 2 year gap before the topic returned on the curriculum schedule. Using the principles of spaced education, we developed a Qstream® course that serves as an educational tool that serves to support our current didactic curriculum. Each resident receives daily questions testing high-yield urologic concepts. Questions are scheduled to return, and spaced according to their individual success. All questions are tagged, so analytics are available to evaluate the resident’s strengths and weaknesses in order to guide focused study. This project won the University of Michigan Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize in 2016.