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Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., at ANA 2019
October 18, 2019

Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., Reflects on ANA 2019

Dr. Eva Feldman discusses the great impact that the American Neurological Association has had on her career. She served as ANA President from 2011-13 and believes that it is the home for all academic neurologists, both established and emerging.

Dr. Feldman receiving the PNS Gebhart Prize from Dr. Pieter Van Doorn.
July 2, 2019

Dr. Feldman Receives Peripheral Nerve Society’s Alan J. Gebhart Prize

Awarded at the 2019 PNS Annual Meeting in Genoa Italy, the Gebhart Prize recognizes Dr. Feldman’s contributions to the PNS mission: supporting research, training scientists, setting standards of care, creating new treatments, and facilitating clinical trials. Ten PNR&D scientists and staff attended and presented at the conference.

Brian Callaghan, M.D. with Lester Graham, Michigan Radio
June 7, 2019

Dr. Callaghan Featured on NPR to Review Drug Costs

Dr. Brian Callaghan discussed his recent drug cost research on Michigan Radio's Stateside program. His research investigated the sharp rise in drug costs to patients suffering from neurologic diseases.
