We're offering an alternate homepage layout for websites using our dark blue department theme. The alternate homepage layout is best for sites that can convert to the top navigation menu style, which requires a max of 100 characters of text, translating to roughly 5-8 top-level menu links or "top tabs."
You'll also want to secure several impactful and high-quality images for use in this design, including for the billboard image, which measures 2880x900.
This alternate layout features the following:
- A large image billboard with a text overlay and up to 3 call-to-action buttons. The call-to-action buttons are designed for speaking directly to specific audiences of a site or tasks a user may want to do, e.g. "For Trainees" or "Partner with Us." These labels should be brief, with a character limit of 30.
- A full-width content region that appears above the usual News / Events / Body region of the page. This full-width content region lets you build styled content using 3 content widgets: the Callout List, the Front Color Block, and the Callout Circle.
- A top navigation style. This homepage layout is not available for sites that use the traditional left navigation menu.
The rest of the page includes the same features as the traditional homepage, including a region for news, events, promotional blocks, and text, as well as the regular full-width content region and footers.
How To Request the Alternate Layout
If you’d like to convert from the regular homepage layout to the alternate homepage layout, you’ll need to book an appointment to meet with us. Submit a ticket to HITS to the attention of Web Presence Team / Michigan MultiMedia.
We’ll work with you to review your current site structure and content and how best to translate it to the alternate homepage layout and top nav style.