August 12, 2019
Dawn Storball Highlighted In OGPS DEI Staff Spotlight
Check out our Cancer Biology administrator, Dawn Storball's DEI Staff Spotlight!
April 20, 2020
Stephen Carney (Castro Lab) Receives NIH Minority Supplement Award
Congratulations to Stephen Carney who was awarded an NIH Minority Supplement Award to continue working on Epigenetic reprogramming of neural developmental pathways in glioma.
October 18, 2019
Jennifer Jimenez, Veerin Sirihorachai, and Katelyn Donahue selected as graduate student representatives
The Biomedical Graduate Student Government has selected Jennifer Jimenez (Lawlor Lab), Veerin Sirihorachai and Katelyn Donahue (Pasca Di Magliano Lab) for the 2019-2020 school year.