June 7, 2019

Dr. Callaghan Featured on NPR to Review Drug Costs

Dr. Brian Callaghan discussed his recent drug cost research on Michigan Radio's Stateside program. His research investigated the sharp rise in drug costs to patients suffering from neurologic diseases.

Brian Callaghan, M.D. with Lester Graham, Michigan Radio
Brian Callaghan, M.D. with Michigan Radio's Lester Graham

University of Michigan Associate Professor of Neurology Dr. Brian Callaghan spoke to Lester Graham on Michigan Radio’s Stateside program on Friday (June 7) to discuss how much out-of-pocket costs have increased for patients with certain neurological disorders. Dr. Callaghan talks about the details of the study, why patients are paying more, and what can be done about it.

Listen to the complete Stateside interview

Patients are paying up to 20 times more for neurological drugs since 2004, study finds (CNN)
Patients’ drug costs surge for some neurologic conditions (Reuters Health)
MS patients now pay 20 times more for drugs than a decade ago (U.S. News & World Report)
Soaring insurance deductibles and high drug prices hit sick Americans with a ‘double whammy’ (Los Angeles Times)