Victoria Valvo

Graduate Student


I completed my undergraduate studies at Oakland University receiving a BS in Cellular and Molecular Biology. I graduated from the honors college and received two university awards for my thesis work that was completed at Oakland University. I began my studies at the University of Michigan in 2021 and joined Dr. Meredith Morgan's lab. I am working towards my PhD in Cancer Biology and my MS in Bioinformatics.

Research Interests

My work is focused on trying to develop and understand treatment mechanisms that will sensitize pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) tumors to radiation and/or immunotherapy. Our current focus is on using PARP inhibitors in combination with radiation to sensitize PDAC tumors to immunotherapy and improve patient outcomes.

Diversity Ambassador

  • Individual with disabilities
  • Individual from disadvantaged backgrounds including low SES & rural or inner-city environments
  • Have experienced financial hardship